Hello everyone,
I wanted to ask if there is a way to add another layer of security, so when I press the disarm button when the drone is on air it doesn’t fall, but I get asked “if I am sure to disarm the drone”?
Thank you for your support, any ideas is highly appreciated.
The last time I tested it, I couldn’t disarm it that way.
Have you tested it?
I think what you want is already there.
No haven’t tried it, I wanted to ask before I try it, or accidentally push the disarm button while the drone is on air
Perhaps I have spent too many years with freestyle and racing drones (KISS, Betaflight, CleanFlight), but the thought of a disarm switch not instantly disarming seems terrifying to me. If something goes wrong and the copter is about to either fly away, or into a crowd of people, or through a house window, etc. the pilot might have only milliseconds to act and prevent a disaster. And carrying out a conversation with a machine to double/triple check and confirm the pilot’s commands and intentions doesn’t fit into milliseconds and therefore seems less safe – at best.
There is a “Motor Emergency Stop” RC switch option that does what you describe.
You can set Arm/Disarm to be a switch combination, or only operates after a delay, depending on your transmitter.
The emergency stop switch also has the effect that it ONLY stops the motors, so if accidentally operated it can theoretically be returned to normal position and motors instantly go again without going through all the arming checks and procedure.
You can also try RCx_OPTION,165 Arm/Emergency Stop. This will combine all the suggestions above, by allowing you to stop the motors in a hurry, but if the switch is hit in error you can flip it back right away.
Can I still add a message or like a warning that pops up on my screen, if the disarm button was pressed while drone is on air ? Or can the disarm button shuts the drone off and stops the motors ?
I haven’t tested this that’s why I wanted to ask.
What would this message say? “Crashing”
I fail to see why this is useful.
Follow the online guides and setup a simulator to verify if you have a problem that you wish to solve.
I only have very limited experience with Q Ground control but as far as I can see it already requires the user carrys out two actions; click the arm/disarm button, then click on and slide a slider to the right. Niether arm or disarm would appear to happen instantly. Whats more from the online guide for Q Ground Control it appears to recognise when the robot is in the air and changes the warning to emergency stop - rather than disarm - but still doesn’t do it instantly.
So, if the online user guide for your chosen ground control software is more ambiguous in what to expect set up a simulator and test the behaviour to see if there is a problem.
It appears to be more work to implement what the other posters are advocating - instant stop - which is what you are trying to prevent, and what Q Ground Control doesn’t seem to do anyway.