Hi I am setting up a new drone using an ARKV6x Electronics FC ARKV6X Flight Controller – ARK Electronics
I did an initial flight to add a notch filter and looking for guidance on the Freq peak as its been a while since I last did this. The log is attached showing all 3 imus 2023-11-06 16-43-56.bin
Also the gyro cal prevents from arming and doesnt seem to be working (Accel calibration) so Im using qground station to calibrate the gyros.
Using the Filter Review Tool ( Filter Review Tool ) I think you will find these Notch Filter parameters to work but they need to be tested. Set these:
Thanks Dave
Everything looks good except the INS_HNTCH_OPTS I do not have multi source as an option…
Only Double notch/ Dynamic harmonics / update at loop rate / enable on all imus
I have toggled update at loop rate for now
if I toggle dynamic harmonic and update at loop rate the value = 6
Try updating Mission Planner to latest Beta. In any case 6 should be good. If you don’t use multi-source then the BW parameter would be set to 1/2 HNTCH frequency.