Ark Electronics Board / Notch filter

Hi I am setting up a new drone using an ARKV6x Electronics FC ARKV6X Flight Controller – ARK Electronics
I did an initial flight to add a notch filter and looking for guidance on the Freq peak as its been a while since I last did this. The log is attached showing all 3 imus 2023-11-06 16-43-56.bin

Also the gyro cal prevents from arming and doesnt seem to be working (Accel calibration) so Im using qground station to calibrate the gyros.

Thanks in advance

Using the Filter Review Tool ( Filter Review Tool ) I think you will find these Notch Filter parameters to work but they need to be tested. Set these:

Thanks Dave
Everything looks good except the INS_HNTCH_OPTS I do not have multi source as an option…
Only Double notch/ Dynamic harmonics / update at loop rate / enable on all imus

I have toggled update at loop rate for now
if I toggle dynamic harmonic and update at loop rate the value = 6

Try updating Mission Planner to latest Beta. In any case 6 should be good. If you don’t use multi-source then the BW parameter would be set to 1/2 HNTCH frequency.