Are JHEMCU GH743AIO 3-6S AIO Brushless and Toothpick F722 2-6S AIO Brushless supported?

Hello, are these AIO compatible with Ardupilot?

  1. JHEMCU GH743AIO 3-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 40A(BLHeli_S)
    JHEMCU GH743AIO 3-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 40A(BLHeli_S)
  2. Toothpick F722 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_S)
    Toothpick F722 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_S) – BETAFPV Hobby

No F722 based FC is supported. And the only JHEMCU boards I see in the repository are for the F405’s.