Ardurover skid steering boat spins once reached a waypoint

I have built a skid steering boat using ardurover 4.5.0. in auto mode, the boat spins trying to reach waypoints. Once it does, continue the mission. What will be the issue here?

@shan , welcome here on the ardupilot forum.
Here are a lot very expierenced people active helping each other for free during their leisure time.
This worked much better if the people like us having some problems, will deliver as much as possible information regarding the problem.
How should the community can help if they don’t components, your configuration and a clear decription of the problem.
What do you mean with it spins to reach a waypoint? Do you mean it is turning and turning and turning on one position.
What do you mean with “once it does, continue the misson”. Do you mean if the boat reaches one waypoint it than turned to reach the next waypoint?

That’s exactly what I meant

I am not one of the specialist I am still in the evaluation phase if Ardupilot could be useable for my projects.
But still if the boat is travelling from one waypoint if it reached this to the next waypoint of a mission this should be the normal expected behavior.
If the boat turned around the waypoint to reach it than it might be the radius to accept the waypoint as reached is to small for your boat.
But again it is really the best idea to post here more information about your boat and the components used as well as the parameters of your ardupilot and a log file of a mission showing your problems.

post a log, otherwise people are just guessing.

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Sure, I’ll share a log once I get back to lake for testing

Thanks for the report. I’ve moved this to the boat category.

Looking forward to seeing the logs but surely it is going to be down to tuning either the turn rate controller or the pivot turns themselves.

I’ve followed your videos on tuning. Throttle tuning worked flawlessly but I couldn’t get steering tuning upto desired level. No matter how much I change the FF, nothing happens. And I set GCS_PID_MASK to steering but nothing. Sorry for no log file. I have boat at one place where I use telemetry and cannot carry laptop there with me to download a log file.

Hi @shan,

It’s hard to help without a log…

All I can say really is check that you’ve setup the motor outputs correctly. Make sure the vehicle is in Acro mode.