Hi all,
I am currently working on a project where i am using Pixhawk hardware with ArduRover stack. As transmitter i am using Fly-Sky Noble NB4 transmitter and flysky FGr4 receiver from which I am using only two channels on the receiver (1 & 2) where CH1 is connected to 1st wire & CH2 to 3rd wire on PPM Encoder.
With skid steering on both motors are spinning when i press the throttle(channel 2) which is fine. But when i simultaneously operate the steering their is no change in any of the motor speed (As it should work with skid steering vehicle). I would really appreciate help on this. Thanks in advance.
Post your parameters file. Do you need a PPM encoder with that receiver? Specs say PPM/iBuys/PWM. output. Do you have a 3rd channel connected for changing drive modes?
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