Ardurover Boat spins circles on any mode except maunal

Yep i selected bf/cf for interface and have the saftey enable not enabled i have only set servo_blh_auto to on amd not set any other of the bitmasks

You shouldn’t need to. What ESC’s?

Tekko f3 esc which were pretty reputable. I have always had issues with this carrier board.

I tired for about 3hrs to get passthrough to work before I just broke out the Arduino. I have a cpl questions that I have not been able to find the answers to. Whenever I set mot_pwm_type to dshot 600 and restart the left and right motors trim goes to 1000 which is bad for a motor that goes both ways. If I set it to normal pwm then the trim settings stay right at 1500 on reboot. I have my esc setup as bidirectional 3d not sure if that will mess the settings up and they are blheli32 32.9 version.
I also keep getting no gps when I have the here connected to gps1 as its the only port that will support that connector but if I have gps1_type set to 1 auto it will not find it ever. but if I set gps2_type to 1 it automatically finds the gps which seems odd. I have shut down the other gps2_type but still it will never be found.

Your ESCs are probably not accepting DSHOT for reasons I can’t quite explain.

But for the GPS, ensure only the serial port connected to the GPS is set to protocol 5. Set any unused SERIALx_PROTOCOL to -1.