Hello Grant,
Did you make any progression on this issue?
@RayN - I have tested on my skid steering rover with 3.1.1 and I can ARM no problem. Remember that disarming doesn’t work on skid steering rovers as it means you rover would turn around in circles whilst trying to disarm.
@manulrk - I tested on my standard Rover with my standard setup and I can arm and disarm. I need a log file from you to investigate further - the one you posted previously is in an odd format - a tlog would be better. I assume you have changed the RCMAP_* parameters to reflect your changed channel setup?
Thanks, Grant.
@manulrk - I take it back I can’t disarm. I’ll figure it out and fix it now.
Thanks, Grant.
I’ve created a new Rover release. v3.1.2 is building now and should be available in a few hours. It has arming fixed. Once it is built and available I’ll post to the main thread about the release being available.
Thanks, Grant.
Awesome, it disarms! Thanks Grant.
Sorry for relating this to 3.1.2 but how do you DISARM with the sticks? And most important; is there no way to simply arm and disarm with a switch on the tx?
To arm : steer stick full left, to disarm steer stick full right, it only works on normal rover not on Skid steer ones.
For now, it is not possible to arm/disarm with a switch, it will come with the next 3.2 release
Ok, will it also include proper tank steering in all modes? And could we
hope for this to be released say, within a couple of days? I’d be happy to
help in any way possible!
We have completly simple normal rover and tank control, so tank mode should be much better now.
No ETA for the next release, I hope to go on new beta soon if we get time to correct current bugs found.