Arduplane, Quadplane, Bat 1 not updated in Q_Modes

Hello there,

Bit of a weird one, I’ve built a quadplane around the Matek F405 VTOL board running Arduplane V4.5.0-beta2.
My Battery_voltage does not updated when I am flying in any of the Q_Modes i.e. (Q_Stabilize, Q_Loiter, or Q_Hover). However when i switch to manual the voltage sudden updates.

This also only happens when connected via telemetry, in this case a 915mhz sik radio.

Tlog and Bin file

Hi Kelvin,

I am having the exact same issue:

Matek F405 VTOL with a sik radio and I couldn’t get the battery monitor to show voltage unless I powered the FC after I booted mission planner and connected. Thanks for the tip about the manual mode, same thing here too.

Did you ever find a workaround for this?

I use a Speedybee F405 Wing and I am having the same issue. Battery monitor is OK in manual mode, but it doesn’t updated in Q_mode (Q_hover and Q_land). Have you found a solution since your last post ?