ArduPlane Log Status/Flags

I am in the process of looking through some aircraft logs where I need to understand the decision logic of the aircraft. I noticed there are flags and stages built into the log message structure (STAT.Stage, LAND.Stage, TECS.f, etc…), but I cannot find any documentation that decodes the integer based flags back into text.

Looking though the GitHub, I found the key for the LAND stages in a file called “AP_Landing.h”:

enum class SlopeStage  {
        NORMAL = 0,
        APPROACH = 1,
        PREFLARE = 2,
        FINAL = 3,
    } type_slope_stage;

Do any of you have pointers on where to locate the remainder of the stage codes? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

You could type “stage” into the search box on github and look at the code results.

Found one more for the flight stages in “AP_FixedWing.h”:

    // stages of flight
    enum class FlightStage {
        TAKEOFF       = 1,
        VTOL          = 2,
        NORMAL        = 3,
        LAND          = 4,
        ABORT_LANDING = 

Any ideas for finding the definition of the TECS.f flags?

Have you looked in the wiki?