I’ve not used my arduplane for about 6 months now after a particularly bad crash and it looks like a few modifications have been made to the firmware and software while I’ve been saving up for new parts.
One of the features I really enjoyed using previously was the camera tracking software on the APM. Previously I was able to pick a waypoint for loiter, right click on the screen to instruct the camera to point at that waypoint and feed video back to my ground control station of any particular region of interest.
One feature that I really wanted to use but didn’t appear to be functional was building in camera tracking waypoints to the mission planner. A mission may look something like below using the feature I’m envisioning:
Waypoint 1: Takeoff
Waypoint 2: Point camera at location A
Waypoint 3: Fly to Location A
Waypoint 4: Loiter at Location A for set a duration
Waypoint 5: Point camera at location B
Waypoint 6: Fly to Location B
Waypoint 7: Loiter at Location B for set duration
Waypoint 8: RTL
Previously I had to trigger actions in Waypoint 2 and Waypoint 5 in realtime during the mission. Has anyone had success fully automating this process?
Thanks and I look forward to your responses.