Arduplane 4.6.0 on Heewing T1 VTOL - no issues noted

Flew my HeeWing T1 VTOL (F405) with AP 4.6.0 beta this morning - loiter mode manual take off, FBWA flight and RTL return to home and landing - no issues noted, tlog recorded via Holybro SIK radio to PC, see:

I have AP 4.4.3 on my heewing t1 vtol at the moment… I updated to 4.5.6 and everything seemed to be working perfect but when i armed it would buzz but the props wouldn’t spin up…no prop movement at all… I just rolled the firmware back and put it back to how it was for now…
any ideas off the top of your head why it would do that?
Its been so long since i did anything ardupilot I didn’t even look into it in the parameters yet…
Just hoping it might be something obvious to an up to date user…