ArduPilot Tune for BLHeli32 ESCs

Don’t have a buzzer in your build but you still want to represent ArduPilot? I made the ArduPilot startup tune (as close as I could) as a startup song for BLHeli ESCs.

When you connect to BLHeliSuite32, click on the Music editor and enter this in the text box:

A6 1/4 D7 1/4 C7 1/4 A6 1/4 D7 1/4 C7 1/4 A6 1/4 D7 1/4 C7 1/4 D7 1/8 C7 1/8 D7 1/8 C7 1/8 D7 1/8 C7 1/8 D7 1/8 C7 1/8

Set Gen. Length to 8 and Gen. Interval to 0, click Apply Music, and you’re done!