Ardupilot Parameter Configuration

Hello Community,

While going through the parameter list provided by Ardupilot i found these issues :-

  1. In the INS_ENABLE_MASK, there are no other sensors present in the list as shown in the guide.

  2. In the EAHRS_TYPE, i can only see VectorNAV, but there’s also MicroStrain as an ExternalAHRS.

  3. In the EAHRS_OPTIONS, if i wanted to use the uncompensated values of other sensor then what can i do?

  4. As per the parameter guide there should be OSD1_MESSAGE_EN but there’s not.

I used the latest firmware (stable 4.4.2) available on the

Kindly help me on these points.

QGC is not always up to date, so you may need to use the advanced settings check box and manually enter in the parameter value you’re wanting to use.

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Thank you for the info, but what if the parameter itself is not available like OSD1_MESSAGE_EN? Any help on this ?

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Sure, use the latest version an the parameters will be there.

You are using version 4.0 and looking on the web page of ArduPlane 4.5
No wonder you are not finding parameters.


set OSD1_ENABLE to 1. Then you need to power cycle the board and all the OSD1 parameters should be available. Any ENABLE parameter will require you to powercycle the board to get access to all the following parameters.

Edit: What kind of controller are you using and what kind of video system are you using? OSD may not be available in your configuration.

Ok, got it thank you, i am using the Cube Orange Plus AutoPilot with ADS-B Carrier Board.