Here are the slides from the Mar 2025 update presented by Tridge, Randy and Amilcar at this month’s ArduPilot Partners meeting.
The image on the left is from the CubePilot CubeRed which has two H7 CPUs onboard (for redundancy) but thanks to recent changes can also be used as a drop-in replacement for a CubeOrange now that the 2nd H7 can also be configured as an I/O board (which allows more PWM outputs which is important for some frames). It does this while also supporting Ethernet natively (e.g. without requiring a serial<->ethernet adapter)
The image on the right is from some WIP work that @andyp1per has done to enable creating custom menus on a CRSF transmitter using a Lua script running on the autopilot.
As always, thanks to our Partners for their support and to the devs and beta testers who have pitched in for the last month especially with the 4.6.0 beta testing!