ArduPilot Monthly Update for Jan 2025


Here are the slides from the Jan 2025 update presented by Tridge, Randy, PeterH, MattK and other devs at this month’s ArduPilot Partners meeting

The image on the left is of the CADDX GM3 gimbal which is supported in ArduPilot 4.7 (see wiki here) and will hopefuly also be backported to 4.6.

The image on the right is from @hwurzburg’s work on adding an AutoLand mode to Plane. More details can be found on this recent blog post

As always, thanks to our Partners for their support and to all the devs and testers who contributed to this month’s progress!


the GM3 gimbal supports MAVLink.
What is the advantage of the native protocol over MAVLink ?

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Hi @twistedwings,

I must admit that I didn’t investigate the MAVLink interface very much but I believe that it, like the Siyi’s implementation, simply uses MAVLink as a replacement for SBUS. So it simply pulls the RC stick/switch/knob positions from the pilot via MAVLink. This means that the gimbal can’t be controlled autonomously (e.g no ROI, etc) if MAVLink is used. Using the serial interface, AP can control the gimbal even in autonomous modes

Ah, I see.
Thank you for the explanation (and implementation).

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