Ardupilot Logs data error

I am looking for someone to help me understand why my logs look like I am missing data.

hopefully, someone can guide me on how to get usable telemetry files for tunning


Welcome to the community :wave:t2:

  1. What SD card are you using? Data not written in the logs is most often seen when the SD card isn’t fast enough to write all the data in time.

  2. Your vibrations are EXTREMELY high! Above 15 is bad, below 15 is tolerable, below 10 is good. Yours are often above 50, with a peak above 90. Also clipping is occuring on IMU 1 and 2 which is also very bad.

  3. There is a lot of stuff missing in your tuning, like IMU temperature calibration; PSC_ACCZ_P, PSC_ACCZ_I and ATC_THR_MIX_MAN aren’t set according to MOT_THST_HOVER; MagFit is missing. That’s where I stopped looking.
    I recommend to read and follow the How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x guide. Download the .zip folder with the param files from the guide, edit each file to suit your copter and upload them one by one as you read along. The guide tells you what to do and which file is needed at any given time. Do not skip any steps! All steps are essential for all of the following steps. Anything that might seem like a shortcut will result in a worse tuned drone in the end.

  4. Look at your private messages :wink: