March 23, 2022, 3:29am
I plan to get the official latest source code. After using the git fetch upstream command, the compilation has an error, how to solve this problem? thanks
(Josh Henderson)
March 23, 2022, 6:19am
See this blog post about the git protocol business:
There have been some significant changes in the way github handles submodules that have impacted the ArduPilot project. The changes are described in this github blog post:
What I’ll describe below is how this impacts ArduPilot and how you can fix your developer checkouts of ArduPilot to avoid the problem.
The git:// protocol
One of the earliest protocols supported by the git version control system was the git:// protocol. It is a read-only protocol and doesn’t require a…
I believe at that point in the screenshot you should be able to do
./waf distclean
: clean out all the old builds
March 23, 2022, 6:31am
Yes, it can work, thank you very much!
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