ArduPilot Custom Firmware Builder - FMUv3 missing (necessary for CUAV Pixhack V3x)


I am using several CUAV Pixhack V3x. To use all 3 IMUs and both Barometers it is necessary to use the firmware FMUv3. With using Pixhawk1 firmware one gets only 2 IMUs and 1 Barometer. Also Compass_DEV_ID2 is not visible (see pictures).
It would be great if one could also choose FMUv2 in the firmware builder. Could you please make that possible. Thanks a lot for your great work.

HW ID of FMU v3 - Firmware:

HW ID of Pixhawk1 - Firmware:


Hi @Harald,

Thanks for the report. I’ve raised an enhancement request here and put it on our 4.5.0 issues list so that it is at least discussed on our next developer call.

Thank you. Would be really good as this FC is used quite a lot (especially by me: 15x) :grinning:



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Pixhack v3 can now be selected on the custom build server.

Thanks Peter

