Ardupilot contributions of the month, June 2019

Congratulations to Henry Wurzburg aka ATXHELI and Bruno Olivieri for each winning the Ardupilot contribution of the month prize for June 2019!

Both Henry (github) and Bruno (github) were nominated by the dev team for their significant documentation contributions to Ardupilot’s wiki.

In the never ending code development process that continuously ensures that Ardupilot remains the most advanced, full-featured and reliable open source autopilot software available,
documentation often takes a backseat. Yet it’s no secret that good project documentation (which now totals over 700+ pages if it was printed as a book in 8.5" x 11" page format) is a crucial requirement and enabler if the ever growing Ardupilot user community is to fully thrive, share, engage and use all available features. So thank you, Bruno and Henry, along with many others who have contributed to the wiki, for your work!

(If you’d like to contribute to the wiki and haven’t done so, there’s a good video showing the simple process required for quick edits here. A full guide for more extensive editing is also available.)

The prize for the month was $200 each for both top contributors. Many thanks to those who donated to ArduPilot, including our Corporate Partners , totalling 56 to date! If you are a company and wish to donate a prize for an upcoming month, please email the partners email list (

Congrats again Bruno and Henry!


congrats @hwurzburg and @brunoolivieri and thanks a lot for all the effort put into an impressive amount of improvement on the wiki in a minimum of time, awesome!


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Thanks, Basti! was totally a surprise…

Thank You all! I could imagine it coming!!!
