ArduPilot APM 2.8 cannot get both motors to run

On the config side I am quite expecting the rover to charge off into the bush rather than accurately follow GPS plan, due to calibration and config needs, but to have it sit there and do nothing is frustrating.

This function wasn’t working in a previous version of Rover. Not sure if it’s fixed.

I just tried to start a simulated rover with Initial mode 10 and first I got “Can not switch to auto, no mission loaded”.
Restarting with an uploaded mission, it changed to “Flight mode change failed”. Even with the simulated rover, I have a red EKF status directly after boot. This may prevent ardurover from switching to auto mode. Same story for guided mode.

This is what I discovered trying to help someone else. I think I put some dev’s in the posts for a look but got no action. This is problematic for someone w/o an RC system running from a GS. Even if that is a bad idea!

OH dear during testing the positive terminal of the left motor broke of at base so its useless as I cannot solder to nothing, and I will have to replace both motors I think as the only site carrying them says out of stock
Its a problem as it has to have the exact shaft for the tank tread power wheel. I’ll be back when I solve this one

This motor format should be available at a lot of other shops. All 25D motors should have this type of shaft (4mm D-shaft). The only thing might be to get the exact same RPM. Search for “25D motor 35rpm”.
I found them at, amazon,

OK I got new motors and installed. The rover now seems to work Ok in manual although my son and I find it is very sensitive to neutral on the left switch also that its a bit iffy sometimes both motors fire but sometimes one and then you go back to neutral and start again and this time its both. Thats on both forward and backwards. We went back and checked servo cofig and also radio and all seemed ok. The right switch is configured to turn left and right and that works. So we programmed a simple three point gps into it and took it to the road. It started, hesitated then ran forward about 20 feet and then suddenly veered left into the grass. The road by my gate is not good so we are taking it to a decent tarmac road that is wide enough to try to see what it does.

TJ (and rover support crew), keep us “tracked rover wannabees” updated. I too have spend hours combing for information on waypoint tracked rovering to no avail. I have nearly pulled the trigger many times on and ebay APM or Pixhawk of Kakute FC package, allways holding back because I was getting over my head and simply had GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

Im following this thread and your videos trying to get to the same spot (pun intended) with running a Mission Planner Waypoint Mission on my tracked Yahboom G1 - arduino.
What Pixhawk Flight Controller, GPS, Compass, and Planner software did you end up being successful with? If you have links to stores and prices, please share…thanks, DFD