Arducopter on Speedy Bee F4 V3 stack

Hii everyone so I was checking out this SpeedyBee_F4_v3 flight controlller stack sounds great for the price 70$ and 50Amp escs … soo I was wondering is it possible to run arducopter firmware on it ??

Processor F405
Onboard Barometer
i2c pads for compass

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I don’t have the answer but this is the PR that added support for the SpeedyBee. @andyp1per is probably our expert in this area.

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Looks like I can get hold of one of these - I have put in a funding request so that I can do the port. Should be straightforward.

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@andyp1per Will the v4 work with the same target or will a new one need made?

New target ArduPilot firmware : /Copter/latest/speedybeef4v4

Is ardupilot compatible with the v3 and if so where can I find the firmware?

Speedybee V3/V4

In the document section, it is listed as un-verified. On SpeedyBee page its out of stock, but supper cheap <$25!

That would seem to be the only metric people inclined to buy Speedybee flight controllers care about.
But, they sure do generate a lot of traffic on the forum.


I have been searching to confirm the exact STM32 mfg. part number to verify if the chip used has 1MB of flash memory required for Ardupilot FW, so far no luck.

There are some FC that advertise F4 but they don’t have the required memory.