Arducopter MNT orientation

Hi all!

I have a question about an option to set the mount orientation of a gimbal configured as mount.

I have a Gremsy MIO gimbal which I wired to the pixhawk cube via uart and configured it as mount in the arducopter, the problem is that I needed to physically connect the gimbal to the the back of the drone and it points also backwards, now when I make a ‘point camera here’ in the MP map so the gimbal points to the exactly opposite direction and when I move the drone so the yaw gimbal corrections are also reversed compare to the point. I checked in the parameters for an option to set the mount orientation to 180 degrees but didn’t find anything that affected it.

Is there any option to do it??
I understand that usually gimbals are mounted in the nose and look forward but in my case is sits in the back and looks backwards.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @3DorFPV_RC,

I’m afraid that AP doesn’t support this so I’ve added an enhancement request to the to-do list. I can’t promise when that will get done though.