Arducopter denies the use of Flow Camera WITH GPS


why is it that in Arducopter the position data of GPS and the flow camera
can not be jointly used?

At the moment, it is either or: using GPS will not allow the use of a flow camera and vice versa.

This is bad, as with GPS the flow camera ( PX4FLow) could provide redundancy,
e.g. when GPS is lost.

In the PX4 flight stack, the data from the PX4 Flow camera is fused with GPS data,
but in Ardupilot it is not. Maybe this is also a limitation in Missionplanner, as Qgroundcontrol allows the joint use.

Also, it has been since 2014 since the Flow camera for Ardupilot had received an update:

Any ideas / news on this?


why is it that in Arducopter the position data of GPS and the flow camera
can not be jointly used?

At the moment, it is either or: using GPS will not allow the use of a flow camera and vice versa.

This is bad, as with GPS the flow camera ( PX4FLow) could provide redundancy,
e.g. when GPS is lost.

In the PX4 flight stack, the data from the PX4 Flow camera is fused with GPS data,
but in Ardupilot it is not. Maybe this is also a limitation in Missionplanner, as Qgroundcontrol allows the joint use.

Also, it has been since 2014 since the Flow camera for Ardupilot had received an update:

Any ideas / news on this?[/quote]

I did configure my Pixflow correctly, could see the graphs as described on … -overview/ , BUT it is not using this feature in Loiter mode. Can someone tell me how to use tihs sensor with GPS at same time?

My frame is Hexacopter S550 running official Pixhawk Flight Controller + sonar MB1240.

Thank you.