Arducopter 3.2.1 coup down with props

Does anybody know whether Arducopter has an algorythm of coming back to normal position, after the coup down with props?
Duly my octa, on tranzition from RTL to Stabilize, because of piot’s mistake (gas was at the null) made a coup with props down and joined RTL mode, as I lost communication with the RC transmitter. For some reason copter was falling with props down and didn’t make any attempt to overturn.
So here is a question: do I understand correctly, that when copter turns down with props, it continues to keep horisontal position, and doesn’t try to overturn?
If it is so, what shall I do in such situation - turn it to Stabilize and give a copter sharp maximum roll? I attach the log. The moment of turn is clearly seen on Z axis of magnitometer
P.S. I have a traditional octa, it is not coaxial quadro 4+4
Log … with-props