[APPROVED] Speedybee F405 V3 Flight Controller for Porting

I just flashed and tried to calibrate compass and again it did not work.
I disabled logging. Still didn’t work.
I assume something is using the same path as the compass. IC2?
Thanks for your efforts.

I had the same error but sometimes after a powercycle the error goes away and once I changed the SD card the logging problem hasn’t appeared yet

I changed SD card too. Same problem.
I tried INAV. Works fine, but sometimes SD card hangs up the system. I also noted few glitches…
It is not reliable.
Went back to Betaflight. Everything (compass, Gps, Sd card, receiver and so on) works fine. Maybe this FC was designed to work exclusive with BF…
I am done testing!
Will look for Matek or other FC with similar characteristics to build my project!
Tks for all your help!

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I wish I would have seen this before ordering the stack…

There are some here who are happy using this FC.
Unfortunately it didn´t work as expected for me.

I am still working the I2C problem. Unfortunately it is a very complicated part of the code and my test drone flew away - so it may take some time to come to some kind of resolution.

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It’s alright, I still plant to go forward with testing when the FC gets here today. Ardupilot’s capabilities are worth the extra effort!

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Were you ever able to resolve the issues with the SpeedyBee F405 V3’s compass?

It works as long as you don’t try and use bdshot. I was not able to come up with a workable solution that involved both.

Thanks for the reply! Does the Speedybee f405 wing have the same issues? SpeedyBee F405 WING APP Fixed Wing Flight Controller

I’m looking at using it for an ArduRover boat (and maybe a hydrofoil / ground effect type design), so I’m not sure how useful bdshot is for that application.

Don’t think bdshot is available on that board

Hello, I have problems with the readings of the current sensor, in the standby mode, the reading is 123A. BATT_CURR_PIN = 11
Current sensor from the ESC board.
Tell me what’s the problem?

My apologies. Looks like the voltage pin is defined incorrectly and the current scale is not correct. Please can you try this firmware and see if it is any better. The current scale is dependent on the ESC, so you will inevitably have to tune it but we should at least give a better starting point.

arducopter.apj (873.7 KB)

Thanks for the firmware, but it did not help. I use the ‘speedybee f4 v3 stack’ which is FC +ESC .

I flashed iNav on this board and all current readings are adequate. Stack is ok.

I’ve flown a bit, compass and DSHOT don’t conflict.

Is the voltage correct? If it is then you need to put a current through the stack of known size and tune BATT_AMP_PERVLT until you get the right value. If you can tell me that value I will put it in the hwdef. It sounds like it needs to be a lot smaller than it currently is.

The voltage is correct. I reduced BATT_AMP_PERVLT by 100 times and the readings in standby mode are adequate, but the current under load is not measured and does not CHANGE.

Are you sure the ESC has a current sensor?

Yes, INAV sees and measures the current on this stack.