[APPROVED] ESP32S3 'stampfly' x 2 drones for development/porting work

Topic: ESP32S3 ‘stampfly’ x 2 drones for development/porting work

Proposal type: Hardware , Software , Other : _________________

Planned amount $$ (USD): $49+$49+$29 = $127usd +shipping etc

qty 2:
M5Stamp Fly with M5StampS3 | m5stack-store (one for flight-testing,one for pulling apart and soldering stuff to, like a CAN tranciever or gps etc)

qty 1: - the tx that most user/s will use it with.

Estimated time for completion: 3mths


I approve, looking fwd to better support!

james also said in discord he was in support of this.

…awaiting approval from andy… I thought 2 ppl was enough, but aparently its not…

Two is enough (if they’re aligned), but it’s good manners and standard practice for us to wait for the third vote before officially marking it approved. Won’t change the outcome here.

Approved by @Funding_Team