[APPROVED] Boat equipement for Dev


BlueRobotics has gratefully send me a blueboat as dev plateform for boat and Linux. I need some side equipement like a battery, possiblely an RC with Video feed (herelink, SIYI, etc) and some help with the custom taxes

Proposal type: Hardware [X ] , Software , Other : _________________


Planned amount $$ (USD):

Custom taxes : 952.32€
Battery : 79.99€ (Amazon.fr) Cheaper than Bluerobotics battery, cannot go on cheap Li-FePO4 as need > 40A motor stall output. So this one fit
Rc with video : TBD

Estimated time for completion:

First blog post after New Year


Fantastic! We definitely need more developers involved with boats. Thanks so much BlueRobotics!


Here will be boat and Linux. For non flying vehicle, Linux hal could be a good thingd but probably need a bit of refactoring and showcase to be up to date.

Great! So good to see more boats for devs

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Approved by @Funding_Team
Apologies for the delay.