Apm2.6 not downloading firmware

I have win 8.1 .mission planner 2.0 .apm2.6. im trying to download firmware. my com port 6. it see that im connect . the firmware keep. saying
Started downloading http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/apm2-quad/ArduCopter.hex
Finished downloading C:/Users/david/AppData/Local/Temp/APM Planner.xG4976
Opening firmware file…
Unable to open file: C:/Users/david/AppData/Local/Temp/APM Planner.xG4976
ever time I try xg4976 change .
what am I going wrong ?

What version are you trying to download. APM 2.6 can’t load anything higher than 3.2.1

ok how do you know what version you downloading . in mission planner has a quadcopter that you click on . or do I need to do something . it say not to connect . when you do the firmware . do I need a file I need to make? for this firmware ?

im am new to this . I just got aver thing about a week ago .trying to setup my quadcopter . it came with apm 2.6 rducopter with a gps antenne . . the quadcopter is a f450 I got from ebay . I got mission planner install . under intial setup … it say to install firmware there are two quadcopter and I try both of them . under that . firmware opitions …firmware upload com port . im on com6 … on the side it got arduino maga 2560 arduino llc ( www.arduino.cc). … then at the botton there a box . … when I click on the quadcopter a box open up that ask if … you are about to install arducopter.hex for apm2-quad… at the botton you can click on ok or abort … I click on ok… next box open up sayUnable to open file: C:/Users/david/AppData/Local/Temp/APM Planner.mI5408p say unable to open file
Started downloading http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/apm2-quad/ArduCopter.hex
Finished downloading C:/Users/david/AppData/Local/Temp/APM Planner.mI5408
Opening firmware file…
Unable to open file: C:/Users/david/AppData/Local/Temp/APM Planner.mI5408p say unable to open file