Hi guys,
So I’m trying to finish setting up my first 3dr quad, but i can’t seem to be able to install the firmware.
Here is the output :
Started downloading http://firmware.diydrones.com/Copter/stable/apm2-quad/ArduCopter.hex
Finished downloading /tmp/qt_temp.EG4295
Opening firmware file...
Hex file loaded: 233322 bytes
Unable to open COM port: ttyACM0
What i understand from previous posts is that ttyACM0 is my usb port, and i should be able to find it at /dev/ttyACM0. But it is not there.
Also, i’ve read that when plugging the apm to the computer, there should a “bip”, but no sound coming out.
I’m a bit lost and would highly appreciate any help.
I’m using Ubuntu 14.04, trying to set up APM2.6. Any hint ?