APM quad pulls to the right

Hi gang,
Looking for some advice on how I can get my quad (APM 2.5 running latest AC 3.2.1) to launch vertically and evenly. Upon launch in Stabilize mode, the 450-size quad is pulling very heavily to the right, regardless of RC roll input. RC roll inputs to the left do nothing to roll left whilst airborne, rendering the aircraft non-airworthy.
This is a fresh install; I haven’t had any earlier firmwares running on this aircraft.

Attached is a screenshot of Status tab in MP whilst conducting a propeller-free bench test. Ch1In value (1037) is throttle input and is just 5% above bottom value (990). Ch2Out and Ch3Out (left side motors #2 & #3) from rest immediately launch to values in the 1390 area (roughly 40% of their range), while the right side motors trickle nicely around 1120 (14%-ish).
This leads me to believe that this is a software concept, rather than a hardware fault. Perhaps a trim setting escapes my attention, or another setting that I don’t understand.
I’ve lost count of how many times that I have calibrated ESCs, calibrated accelerometer and calibrated radio inputs. I am certain than no peculiar values are being sent from my RC Tx. I’ve yet to calibrate my compass; would this possibly cause this pulling issue in Stabilize mode?

Also attached is a screenshot of values whilst at 50% throttle. The left motors again scale up disproportionately to the right motors.
Throughout, my APM roll value remains at 0.71 (close enough to 0.0), which leads me to believe that I have a roughly correct accelerometer calibration.

I’ve had a decent go but have become stuck, and would love some pointers.
First time poster; apologies if my posting syntax is inappropriate to the forum standards.

can you post a dataflash log with rcout enabled?

Hi mate. Thanks.
Here’s a .bin.log file of a quick bench test with Dataflash+Motors enabled.
Please let me know if I’ve got the format or file type incorrect.

your des roll is showing it is demanding the roll. Its demanding 22 degrees roll.

Can you enable RCIN aswell please?

Here’s a .log of a similar bench test. Default+RCIN enabled this time. Same symptoms occurring.
I now see this roll value of 21.99 that you mention. I assume this is the software reacting to perhaps a perceived roll of 21 degrees?
Is this value related to the nav_roll value of 21.58 in MP Status tab?

looks like you aren’t using a default receiver channel order. I recall people having issues with non default channel orders.

Thanks very much for this.
I’ve reset the RCMAP_ values back to their defaults, and have configured my RC Tx to suit APM’s preferred order.

Saves and reboots revealed the same symptoms of nav_roll stuck on 22 value. I’ve reset APM via SYSID_SW_MREV set to 0 along with a reboot and reconfigure. This procedure has solved all my complaints.

Attached is a screenshot of a bench test of throttle at 13%. nav_roll has returned to 0 and all 4 motors rev up smoothly and as expected.
I’m over the moon about getting this fixed. Local weather conditions prevent me from test flying, but I’m confident anyway. It was all a matter of me making APM suit my Tx’s defaults, whereas I should have made my Tx suit APM’s defaults. Lesson learned.

Big thanks again mate

Great news. Hope you get some decent weather soon

[quote=“BelleHumble”]Thanks very much for this.
I’ve reset the RCMAP_ values back to their defaults, and have configured my RC Tx to suit APM’s preferred order.

Saves and reboots revealed the same symptoms of nav_roll stuck on 22 value. I’ve reset APM via SYSID_SW_MREV set to 0 along with a reboot and reconfigure. This procedure has solved all my complaints.

Attached is a screenshot of a bench test of throttle at 13%. nav_roll has returned to 0 and all 4 motors rev up smoothly and as expected.
I’m over the moon about getting this fixed. Local weather conditions prevent me from test flying, but I’m confident anyway. It was all a matter of me making APM suit my Tx’s defaults, whereas I should have made my Tx suit APM’s defaults. Lesson learned.

Big thanks again mate[/quote]

Please HELP me,
I have a HKPilot32 PX4 (3.2.1), X Quad. After all Mission Planner calibration OK, found a strong ROLL asymmetry due to much stronger commands for motors 2 and 3. It is also possible to see it in FAIL SAFE branch of my Mission Planner Found that nav_roll =0 and SYSID_SW_MREV=120. Do I change the last one to zero and rebuild?


I downloaded the 3.3.1 version and the bug seams to be corrected.