(Hosein Ghanbari)
February 7, 2021, 8:54am
Hi everyone
today i tried to install APM Planner 2.0.26 on Ubuntu 20.04 but it seems that some dependency has removed from Ubuntu repositories or updated to newer version
for example libssl1.0.0 has updated to libssl1.1 to sole this :
Edit the source list sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
to add the following line: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security main
Then sudo apt update
and sudo apt install libssl1.0.0
and libqt5serialport5-dev is removed from main repo and you need to manually install it
(Joseph jj)
February 24, 2021, 4:32am
You should install bionic version not xenial. It works for me. But now I have a problem receiving mavlink.
(Arne Wischmann)
April 11, 2021, 4:20pm
hello !I installed bionic version but i have a problem in APMplanner, i use ubuntu 18.04 and this version of apm planner "apm_planner_2.0.26_bionic64.deb"This is my ‘install firmware’ screen which is blank in both disconnected & connected state (I’m trying to configure my pixhawk1 for the first time)
Any ideas why this is occuring and how do I fix this?
(Hosein Ghanbari)
May 10, 2021, 8:33pm
Run from terminal and send event logs from terminal to see what’s happening
[20210510 21:57:25.766 INFO ] - QGCCore::initialize()
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - Current Build Info
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - Git Hash: 05c4d118aefaaf949a563197cbda1500a30f099d
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - Git Commit: 2.0.26-1-g05c4d118a
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - APPLICATION_NAME: “APM Planner”
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - APPLICATION_VERSION: “v2.0.26”
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - APP_PLATFORM: ubuntu32
[20210510 21:57:25.767 INFO ] - APP_TYPE: stable
[20210510 21:57:25.951 INFO ] - Start Link Manager
[20210510 21:57:25.951 DEBUG] - Create MAVLinkDecoder: MAVLinkDecoder(0x5575b65c5150)
[20210510 21:57:25.972 INFO ] - Start UAS Manager
[20210510 21:57:26.155 DEBUG] - Creating MainWindow
[20210510 21:57:26.307 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x5575b66d2e70)
[20210510 21:57:26.307 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_MISSION”
[20210510 21:57:26.359 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x5575b676fce0)
[20210510 21:57:26.359 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_FLIGHT”
[20210510 21:57:26.403 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x5575b67b6560)
[20210510 21:57:26.403 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_HARDWARE_CONFIG”
[20210510 21:57:26.618 DEBUG] - fillPortsInfo
[20210510 21:57:26.722 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20210510 21:57:26.725 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20210510 21:57:26.728 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20210510 21:57:26.905 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x5575b7595900)
[20210510 21:57:26.905 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_SOFTWARE_CONFIG”
[20210510 21:57:26.922 DEBUG] - Disable Controls
[20210510 21:57:27.069 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x5575b7897e40)
[20210510 21:57:27.069 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_ENGINEER”
[20210510 21:57:27.076 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x5575b79211b0)
[20210510 21:57:27.076 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_SIMULATOR”
[20210510 21:57:27.136 DEBUG] - MODE: 0
[20210510 21:57:27.142 DEBUG] - “D|PREFLIGHT”
[20210510 21:57:27.142 DEBUG] - MODE: 80
[20210510 21:57:27.142 DEBUG] - “D|STABILIZED”
[20210510 21:57:27.142 DEBUG] - MODE: 64
[20210510 21:57:27.143 DEBUG] - “D|MANUAL”
[20210510 21:57:27.143 DEBUG] - MODE: 88
[20210510 21:57:27.143 DEBUG] - “D|VECTOR|STABILIZED”
[20210510 21:57:27.143 DEBUG] - MODE: 92
[20210510 21:57:27.143 DEBUG] - “D|AUTO|STABILIZED”
[20210510 21:57:27.144 DEBUG] - MODE: 66
[20210510 21:57:27.144 DEBUG] - “D|TEST”
[20210510 21:57:27.218 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///home/is/bionic26/apm_planner/qml/PrimaryFlightDisplayQML.qml”)
[20210510 21:57:27.283 DEBUG] - QML Status: QQuickView::Status(Ready)
[20210510 21:57:27.285 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///home/is/bionic26/apm_planner/qml/PrimaryFlightDisplayQML.qml”)
[20210510 21:57:27.303 DEBUG] - QML Status: QQuickView::Status(Ready)
[20210510 21:57:27.307 INFO ] - UASActionsWidget creating UASActionsWidget(0x5575b65a4ac0)
[20210510 21:57:27.309 DEBUG] - QuickView: load settings
[20210510 21:57:27.310 DEBUG] - QuickView: load settings END
[20210510 21:57:27.348 DEBUG] - QuickView: save settings
[20210510 21:57:27.349 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS GPS.GPS Fix ()” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.350 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS GPS.GPS HDOP ()” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.350 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS GPS.GPS Sats (n)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.350 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Metric.Alt MSL (m)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.351 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Metric.Alt REL (m)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.351 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Battery (%)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.351 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Climb (m/s)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.352 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Current (A)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.352 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Pitch (deg)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.352 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Roll (deg)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.353 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Voltage (V)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.353 DEBUG] - QuickView: saving key: “GCS Status.Yaw (deg)” type: text
[20210510 21:57:27.445 DEBUG] - QuickView: save settings END
[20210510 21:57:27.507 INFO ] - Using Alsa Audio driver
[20210510 21:57:27.508 WARN ] - Dir directory tmp_audio exists
[20210510 21:57:27.509 DEBUG] - qmlBaseDir “/home/is/bionic26/apm_planner”
[20210510 21:57:27.510 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///home/is/bionic26/apm_planner/qml/ApmToolBar.qml”)
[20210510 21:57:27.513 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: button label SELECTED
[20210510 21:57:27.525 DEBUG] - QML Status: QQuickView::Status(Ready)
[20210510 21:57:27.526 INFO ] - NETWORK_PROXY: Disabling System Network Proxies
[20210510 21:57:27.532 INFO ] - Screen Size is QRect(0,0 1366x768)
[20210510 21:57:27.682 WARN ] - QSettings::endGroup: No matching beginGroup()
[20210510 21:57:27.721 DEBUG] - Create Serial Connection: SerialConnection(0x5575b8260f70)
[20210510 21:57:27.751 INFO ] - No Ports Found ()
[20210510 21:57:27.752 INFO ] - “No Devices” 115200
[20210510 21:57:27.752 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: new Serial Link Created 1
[20210510 21:57:27.752 DEBUG] - APMToolBar setConnection: false
[20210510 21:57:27.753 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: updateLinkDisplay “No Devices” : “115200” connected: false
[20210510 21:57:27.753 INFO ] - UDP Created “UDP Link (port:14550)”
[20210510 21:57:27.754 INFO ] - UDPLink::UDP connect QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any) : 14550
[20210510 21:57:27.771 DEBUG] - SCW: Link is disconnected
[20210510 21:57:27.800 INFO ] - No Ports Found ()
[20210510 21:57:27.801 DEBUG] - Baud rate: 115200 Expected: 4
[20210510 21:57:28.924 DEBUG] - Writing ( “https://autotest.ardupilot.org/Parameters/ArduPlane/apm.pdef.xml ” ) to ( “/home/is/apmplanner2/ardupilotmega/arduplane.pdef.xml” )
[20210510 21:57:30.219 WARN ] - Stop redirection at user request
[20210510 21:57:32.433 DEBUG] - “retrieve versionobject from server: http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/APMPlanner/apm_planner_version.json ”
[20210510 21:57:32.800 DEBUG] - Downloading: 368 / 368
[20210510 21:57:32.802 DEBUG] - Downloading: 368 / 368
[20210510 21:57:32.803 DEBUG] - AutoUpdateCheck::httpFinished()
[20210510 21:57:32.804 DEBUG] - Redirecting to QUrl(“https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/APMPlanner/apm_planner_version.json ”)
[20210510 21:57:33.220 DEBUG] - Downloading: 2850 / 2850
[20210510 21:57:33.221 DEBUG] - Downloading: 2850 / 2850
[20210510 21:57:33.221 DEBUG] - AutoUpdateCheck::httpFinished()
[20210510 21:57:33.916 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: INITIAL SETUP SELECTED
[20210510 21:57:33.917 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: clear selected buttons
[20210510 21:57:33.919 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: FLIGHT DATA unselected
[20210510 21:57:33.920 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: INITIAL SETUP unselected
[20210510 21:57:34.105 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: INITIAL SETUP SELECTED
(Hosein Ghanbari)
May 12, 2021, 4:22pm
In your logs apm planner was downloaded firmware list but i don’t know why its couldn’t show firmwares
You can test latest github commit to see that this problem is solved or not
Also you can use mission planner on linux with mono
@hosein_gh I could not install it either it displays other problems
can you send me the link for latest github commit and thank you
(Hosein Ghanbari)
May 12, 2021, 4:46pm
You jeed to clone the source code and compile it on your system