APM Planner 2.10 on Mavericks 10.9.3 problems


Ever heard that you should not update 2 pieces of software on the same day?

So I did. Updated APM Planner to 2.10 and after this I updated APM to 3.1.5.

Now APM Planner won’t connect reliably via USB to the PixHawk and won’t even connect using the 3DR Radios when one is connected at USB.

Connection to the PixHawk via USB appears normal but suddenly the voice suddenly says link lost. On other occasions I’m revising parameters and the connection “disappears” with no warning.

I decided to try via the 3DR Telemetry Radios, so unplugged the PixHawk from the USB, put a freshly charged lipo on my hexa and powered. Connected the other radio to other usb port on my MacbookPro (and both usb ports on the computer are working fine) I can change the connection to the USB Radio but after hitting connect nothing happens. No communication from the hexa.

Even reinstalled 2.10 and same thing. Doesn’t matter if APM Planner is freshly started or not…

BTW: APM Planner crashes every time one unplugs a USB cable…

Tested using QGroundControl and works fine via the 3DR Radio just to be sure.

Reverted back APM Planner to 2.09 and it works via USB reliably and also via the 3DR Telemetry radios, but it still crashes when removing usb cables…

Any hints Bill?? Do you want crash reports or tlogs ??


ps: MacBookPro Retina 15" late 2013 2.3 core I7 16GB RAM, SSD Drive, with the 2 graphics cards

do you have modemmanager, package ? if so, remove it.

Thanks for the tip, but no, don’t have modemmanager on the machine. From what I remember if I had it both APM Planner versions and QGroundcontrol would have problems…

I have the same issue with my Macbook Pro I5 running Mavericks and APM 2.0

I use to rum MP on a PC laptop but got very excited the other day when I discovered I could use APM Planner on my Mac!

Problem is trying to get it to recognise the USB port with the telemetry module plugged in. I also just get the Bluetooth and iPhone options.

I’ve installed the FTDI driver but get a little lost with all the ‘terminal’ instructions after the basic install.

Any assistance on how to get this working in everyday language would be much appreciated.

[quote=“Goody63”]I have the same issue with my Macbook Pro I5 running Mavericks and APM 2.0

I use to rum MP on a PC laptop but got very excited the other day when I discovered I could use APM Planner on my Mac!

Problem is trying to get it to recognise the USB port with the telemetry module plugged in. I also just get the Bluetooth and iPhone options.

I’ve installed the FTDI driver but get a little lost with all the ‘terminal’ instructions after the basic install.

Any assistance on how to get this working in everyday language would be much appreciated.[/quote]

The radios were easy before this APM Planner version.

If you don’t see on the port dialog box something like usbserial-D0007ABC or similar you must install the FTDI drivers that are included on the APM dmg file.

Also be sure to set the port speed to max 57600 and check all the related parameters on the APM.

[attachment=1]Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 04.52.12.png[/attachment]

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 04.52.39.png[/attachment]

Thanks for the post.

I’ve done all of that (several times :neutral_face: ) but just can’t get it to bring up the com port. Just bluetooth and iphone options.


Reading through your post; I understood you are unable to connect to your APM board / controller to your Mac Maverick 10.9.3 using the APM Planner.

Here is a screen shot of how I connect. I use the “usbmodemfd111” interface that show up when I fire up APM Planner.

The steps to use are:
Connect your APM board to the USB port &
Fire up APM Planner

If you reverse the process; the “usbmodemfd111” port does not show up.

I was struggling for the last few days after I made the same upgrade as you mentioned in your initial post i.e. I upgraded both the adrucopter to 3.1.5 and APM Planner to 2.0.10.

I hope the information is useful.


The connection does happens, but “dies” in the middle of some operations. As I said above, it’s irrelevant the order of the connections, i.e. first apm planner and then usb, or usb first and apm planner after.

I was reviewing the 300+ parameters on the full list and during that process, about half way, I could not commit new values any longer because the PixHawk disappeared although the connection windows still showed as connected…


Reading through your post; I understood you are unable to connect to your APM board / controller to your Mac Maverick 10.9.3 using the APM Planner.

Here is a screen shot of how I connect. I use the “usbmodemfd111” interface that show up when I fire up APM Planner.

The steps to use are:
Connect your APM board to the USB port &
Fire up APM Planner

If you reverse the process; the “usbmodemfd111” port does not show up.

I was struggling for the last few days after I made the same upgrade as you mentioned in your initial post i.e. I upgraded both the adrucopter to 3.1.5 and APM Planner to 2.0.10.

I hope the information is useful.[/quote]

I have also noticed in the latest 10.9.3 release of OSX that the serial port fixes we put in are not working as well. This has been an on going issue where it works well for most of the time, then stops. And when it doesn’t work it gets into a cyclic problem. Rebooting can help this.

That said, we are working on a solution, that should fix this. We hope to get the changes into the next release. We are just undertaking some testing now.


Same problem here. Everything has been working perfectly then I upgraded to 2.10 of APM Planner and it won’t stay connected to the Pixkawk via USB. It connects and then after about 20 seconds is says link to system 1 lost. If I try to reconnect it crashes.


Glad I’m not alone.

or not…

I was looking at GitHub but couldn’t locate the changes you mention.

Anyone know where I can get an earlier release?

Just to be another voice on this “connect / disconnect” in APM Planner 2.0.8 .9 and .10 seemed like it was getting better but I tried to use .10 to Pixhawk yesterday on my ,up-to-date Mac i7 w/retina display, and got nowhere. The sequence is connect - disconnect - connect - crash APM Planner. I had to switch back to the old PC to do anything.

Mine seems to be holding stable for now. After a fresh reboot I plug the Pixhawk in first and then fire up APM. I used to start APM then plug in the Pix and that wasn’t working at all on the new versions.