APM Planner 2.08 gives up importing logs from PixHawk on USB


I’m running APM Planner 2.08 (7342ec34-2.0.8) on a MacBook Pro Retina Late 2013 on OSX 10.9.2.

Recently got a PixHawk and used APM-Planner to flash the latest ArduCopter to the PixHawk.

While configuring and testing the system I’ve noticed that APM-Planner connects fine via MavLink at 115200 (appears as usbmodem1).

But while on the Terminal tab, trying to connect to get logs from the PixHawk (via the same USB) with a fresh power cycle of the PixHawk, it’s impossible to connect at 115200 on the same connection. Reduced the connection speed for the usbmodem1 to 57600 and it works sometimes…When it works and I try to pull logs from the PixHawk, I notice that it is extremely slow and APM Planner seems to give up pulling the log files. Also the byte counter goes to values much higher than the real size of the log file.

I’ve resorted to get the microSD card out of the PixHawk and copying the files to the computer. If I may suggest as an improvement, just “pull” the files straight from the PixHawk, and do any post-processing after the files are on the computer.

In my case using Win-Mission Planner is not an option because even running inside a Parallels VM, my laptop has a retina display and Mission Planner is completely unusable because of the way that the graphics elements display.

Any suggestions on this issue of speed of the connection for terminal, and the problem with the logs ? At this phase I have all the logs turned on so, my logs are “somewhat” big… :slight_smile:



Although nobody replied I kept trying to see what was going:

Flashed 3.1.3 to the PixHawk and the problem persists

Much larger log file than the original, unable to connect the terminal at 115200, only at 57600 and unreliably - note - Mavlink connects fine at 115200, and very very long download times. On this screenshot which I’ve managed to download one log file after several attempts where APM planner gave up - ie stopped at various byte counts. It took almost 15 minutes to get the log file. And no, it’s not the Mac disk, it’s a 1TB SSD…

Have you tried the newer option to download logs over MAVLink in the Graphs View


I was under the impression that we HAD to go to the terminal window to do it, but just tested your solution and it works much better. Does it still have the limitation of the 30 seconds after boot ?

If this replaces the terminal solution just remove the logs buttons from the terminal page please.



ps: now I must find the guilty between MP and APM Planner on changing my Hexa config from X to +, which gives some funny crashes…

We can’t remove the logs from terminal page yet, as this is needed for older pre 3.1.3 firmware.

You do not have the 30 seconds limit anymore when using MAVLink to download the packets. It also benefits from being much more robust

[quote=“billbonney”]We can’t remove the logs from terminal page yet, as this is needed for older pre 3.1.3 firmware.

You do not have the 30 seconds limit anymore when using MAVLink to download the packets. It also benefits from being much more robust[/quote]


We are so Microsoft here at APM, maintaining compatibility with old versions :slight_smile:

I don’t think so, this feature is brand new, when we drop the CLI, we will drop the old mechanism.