APM Planner 2.0 RC2 Mac OSx - wrong PID values


I am using APM Planner 2.0 rc2 and when I connect my board (amp 2.5), load values to APM Planner, this version show wrong data of some PIDs.

Here are fields with wrong data compared to Mission Planner 1.2.94 on Windows:

Rate Yaw I_MAX (mission planner 2 = 800, mission planer 1.2.94 = 8)
Throttle Accel I_MAX (mission planner 2 = 500, mission planer 1.2.94 = 5)
Rate Loter IMAX (mission planner 2 = 400, mission planer 1.2.94 = 4)

Please use RC3 as this was fixed in that version

No, with RC3 I have still wrong data in this fields.

I’ve raised an issue and will look at a fix tomorrow

The next releases of both MP and AP2 will display these numbers as

Rate Yaw I_MAX 800,
Throttle Accel I_MAX = 500
Rate Loter IMAX 400

The latest releases have the same behaviour as described by Craig.


in 2.0.8 (mac) are still wrong values of:

Rate Yaw I_MAX = 800,00 (right is 8,0)
Rate Loiter I_MAX = 400,00 (right is 4,0)
Throttle Accel I_MAX = 500,00 (right is 5,0)

Edit: These values ​​are therefore correct (bug was in older MP)?