APM Planner 2.0, can't find "Telemetry Logs Tab"

Trying to load .tlog files, I read in the manual that I have to

  • open the mission planner’s Flight Data screen
  • click on the Telemetry Logs tab

However, I can’t find Telemetry Logs tab (anymore). I only have 4 tabs: Quick, Actions, Gauges, Status.

What am I doing wrong?
If I remember right and given the fact that .tlog files are on the ground station computer, I don’t have to connect to MAVLINK, right?

In APM Planner 2.0 you go to the graphs view to view tlogs

I did so, but when trying to load a file, the file filter was set to *.log, not *.tlog …
That somehow puzzled me.

I will give it one more, thanks for the hint.

I double-checked, .tlog files cannot be loaded under Graphs, as far as I can see. Even if I disable the filter, I and load a .tlog file, it cannot be recognized…

I just found it, “Replay Logfiles” does the job. Thanks for helping.

I can replay my .tlog file, but I think I´m doing something wrong.

Replaying seems to be very unreliable although it replays a local computer file. Sometimes it simply stops, sometimes the t-axes stretches, I cannot export this log because it´s not really loaded.

If anyone can provide a link where I can learn more about telemetry logs, I would really appreciate. The page in the manual, I found, seems to be outdated.

There’s a problem that needs to be fixed with selecting and loading tlogs in the graph. We are on it. Thx. The next release will have a fix

Do you think Mission Planner would be worth giving a try? Or are the tlogs incompatible anyhow?

i’ll post a link to a build today that should work, but you are welcome to try mission planner in the meantime

Tlogs are compatible between MP and APM Planner 2.0

Great, thanks a lot.

Should it then be possible to actually load tlog files or “just” to replay them. I honestly don´t really understand the difference. Replaying seems to be something pretty fragile. It happened a lot of times, that the replay simply stopped without any understandable reason. Also the time line (X-axis) performed strange in terms of (auto) scaling, I suppose.

Load log just shows the graph and table view. Replay runs the log through the whole software. You can see flight data, and map view as it happened

I understand, thanks for the clarification.