APM Compass Calibration

Have a HKPilot Mega Mini Combo from HobbyKing. Been have trouble calibrating the compass on mission planer. After bout 3000 samples, go a pop put that said, New offsets are -753 106 945 These have been saved for you. Dos this mean the calibration was good ?

Any compass axis offset of over +/-400 means that you have a compass location issue in relation to the surrounding magnetic field environment of your multicopter.

Any compass axis offset of over +/-400 means that you have a compass location issue in relation to the surrounding magnetic field environment of your multicopter.
TCIII GM[/quote]

Thanks for your reply
Building a Trifecta Mini from Hobby King. I don’t have any thing wired except, external compass to the FC.
Only power is from computer USB to FC. When I started to calibrate the compass with Mission Planner
The image was not round it was egg shaped. I continued to rotate the compass tell mission Planner window
pop up stated, New offsets are -753 106 945 these have been saved for you. I clicked OK and Closed Mission Planner. I well try to add a pic of the egg shaped.

Any compass axis offset of over +/-400 means that you have a compass location issue in relation to the surrounding magnetic field environment of your multicopter.
TCIII GM[/quote]

Here is a pic of the setup. You can see the Compass/ GPS on top.

Any compass axis offset of over +/-400 means that you have a compass location issue in relation to the surrounding magnetic field environment of your multicopter.
TCIII GM[/quote]

Thanks for your reply
Building a Trifecta Mini from Hobby King. I don’t have any thing wired except, external compass to the FC.
Only power is from computer USB to FC. When I started to calibrate the compass with Mission Planner
The image was not round it was egg shaped. I continued to rotate the compass tell mission Planner window
pop up stated, New offsets are -753 106 945 these have been saved for you. I clicked OK and Closed Mission Planner. I well try to add a pic of the egg shaped.[/quote]

Hi Dalef,

I’m building (well it’s basically done) the same Trifecta tricopter with the same HKpilot mega mini combo. Also having very similar issue with the compass and the calibration, but mine is showing much more distorted sphere, egg.
Did you found a solution?

It’s very annoying. I’ve tried to play with the orientation, but the egg shape stayed.

Hi Message body
I have tried several times to calibrate the compass. With different results each time. Know I don’t get any samples at all.
Hobby King dos not have the same gps/compass combo that came with the HKPilot Mega Mini.
I’m relay disappointed in Hobby King. I paid $114 + shipping for the FC combo.
Haven gotten any answers that enable me to calibrate the compass. At this point I don’t even know if the FC is working correctly.
If you come up with the answer to the compass problum please let me know.

try even if temparily moving the compass away from the frame. If the problem reduces its something on the frame…maybe the mounting screws as they look like metal…are they steel? If the problem remains maybe try calibrating in a different location, are you indoors in a building that contains steel (reinforced concrete, girders etc)?

I have removed the gps/ compass from the frame. no change. The Trifecta from Hobby King is setup per the instructions. With recommended components from Hobby King.
See attach file. The best i got was egg shape. Now I don’t get anything I have checked the connection wire and thy are OK.

If you have the 2.7 board, you have to disable the on board compass by cutting between the jumpers.
Even though it looks like there is nothing there.

I had same problem. scratched between points for a bit, and then compass was fine.

hope it helps.

Thank you for your help.
The APM FC I have (HKPilot Mega Mini) is defective and sent back to hobby King for replacement.