First post, so please be patient…
I have searched this forum and others until I am blue in the face so I am pretty confident this is not a question that is asked frequently.
I am in the process of upgrading a Cheerson CX-20 that has a Zero Tech Controller (the red one) to an APM 2.8 box. All is going well but the GPS is giving me a headache. The GPS is based upon a Ublox Neo 6M and has six connectors (the wires are red, Black, white, blue, yellow & brown).
Assuming the red is +ve and the black is gnd, how would I connect the other wires to the APM box (that has the ‘new’ and ‘old’ style GPS connectors)?
At this stage in the game, I’d rather not assume that the colours match those recommended by the NMEA.
Any suggestions will be received gratefully; apologies for the quality of the images below.
Thank you