APM: AeroSimRC: Simulator Setup in Ver3

I am very interested in interfacing the APM2.5 and the flight simulator for auto-flight. My problem is the new version 3 of mission planer has the option for AeroSimRC simulator program selection. I have used the XPlane ver 10 for fixed wing RC planes without problems. I can’t get the Quad Copter to work with the Xplane simulator because it doesn’t have a Quad RC in it’s selection of RC aircraft.

Does anyone here know how to interface the AeroSimRC simulator with the APM Ground Station simulated mission. I want to setup a Quad Demo system with a simulator multitasking on the PC for flight training with HIL.

Utilizing the ARDUPilot APM 2.5 and the 3DRobitics telemetry ground station I have full control from the ground. With the Ground control setup I can fly a Tactical surveillance mission from takeoff, completing a mission, to landing all under the AutoPilot control. This is a complete Autonomous system. With the X-Plane version 10 Simulator, I can fly from the comfort of my home and have all my hardware in the system to simulate flight.


Thanks: YumaMike

I was sure someone had this problem and could help me!!!

Just another posting to see if anyone is using the Simulator and Mission Planner for Training.

I’m looking for how to do this also. Here’s the closest I’ve come to finding instructions.

code.google.com/p/ardupilotdev/ … estAeroSIM

I know it’s doable because this guy has a video of AeroSIM RC 4.1 connected to APM MP 1.2.85

I’ve posted a comment asking him how he did it.

Thanks a bunch:
I will check into this and get back with you on the results.