September 9, 2015, 2:11pm
Hi everyone
I’m new here and hope you guys can help me with a strange problem.
My Quad is a standard X config with a 3dr pixhawk running apm apm:3.2.1
Short after starting, the copter tends to yaw clockwise. Sometimes slow, sometimes faster.
What I’ve done so far:
ECU Calibation (SimonK type)
Compass Calibration, also replaced GPS/Compass Module
IMU Calibration
MOTD Calibration
Vibration checks
I’ve to idea what to do next. Please help!
Logfile is attached
Thank you!
September 29, 2015, 9:37am
Just by chance have you leveled your motors? If one is tilted it can cause that for sure.
Sent with recycled packets…
October 11, 2015, 11:40am
Yes, the motors are perfectly leveled.
They’re mounted upside down and measured in place with a pattern and a laser.
Any other ideas?
October 11, 2015, 12:06pm
Double checked the levels again, everything is fine.
I did a test with DJI Naza using standard pid without any problems.
Also swapped Pixhawk & GPS from another copter to be sure no hardware problem. No changes…