Is it possible to connect my X8R SBUS to the APM or do I have to do it the old fashioned way using a wire from each channel to each input? I have input signal pins 2&3 jumped.
That old FC won’t accept Sbus. You could use an Sbus to PPM converter. Frsky makes one.
There was custom firmware around that enabled the use of Sbus on APM. Google “APM Sbus firmware” and you should find it.
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Would this unit from Aloft Hobbies be the converter you are referring to… FrSky SBUS to CPPM Converter
Yes. That will do it. I used those with APM’s when they were current.
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Well over a year ago, I updated my old APM 2.5 controller so it could take an SBUS feed from my X8R receiver. Certainly got rid of a lot of wiring clutter. I had to flash the ATMega 32U2 chip on the APM. I followed a youtube video and a PDF. It was fairly straight forward to do. A search on the net should find the info you need.
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