APM 2.8 Not able to steer right in manual mode

APM 2.8 When I turn right while in manual mode it doesnt stay to the right, it returns to center like it lost signal.Every other function works but the right.I have to keep turning the stick to the right to try and keep it there.The controller works fine with other rc cars so I was wondering if there is a tuning parameter I missed. It also is working in all the other modes like auto.


What transmitter joystick are you using to steer your rover?

What ArduRover firmware version are you using on your APM 2.8?


It’s rover 2.51-beta and the controller is a custom made one using 2
mega2560’s. The controller works fine if I only use it like a regular
transmitter setup with the servo and esc directly connected but as soon as
I connect the RX outputs to APM 2.5 the servo wont stay turned to the
right.My esc and left turning is ok.The mega2560 RX side is outputting
standard PWM signals from 1000 to 2000 per my servos specs.Like I said it
all works fine untill I hook up to the APM.