When I move stick for arm to f450 , there is no movement on the motor .When I connected via mission planner, armed and disarmed messages have seen on the home page.
Compass and radio calibration setting was done.
When I tried to esc calibration, esc calibration didnt do correctly…
I followed this tutorial https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/esc-calibration.html and this video https://youtu.be/gYoknRObfOg.
3 beep sound didn’t come from esc. How can I solve this issue? When I plug the battery, apm start normally without 3 beep sound.(I have 3s battery btw.)
My setup:
f450 frame
apm 2.8 V.3.2.1
Sİmonk 30A esc
ready to sky rs 2212-920kv.
FLysky i6 mod 1
It sounds more like an ESC wiring problem.
Can you give details on how you have everything hooked up?
If you plug the ESC into the Rx do they beep and arm?
If you plug the ESC into the Rx do they beep and arm?
I didnt understand correctly. Now, esc’s are connected to the outputs of apm 2.8.
Radio channels are connected to the input part? How can i test your suggestion could you clearify for me?
When I changed wire direction esc connection as you mentioned, it worked.
But during the calibration test one of the esc started the smoke.
I couldn’t use it anymore. I need to change it. But i didn’t understand why these esc and readytosky started the smoke. Esc and readytosky started smoke different time.
Others was working correctly.
You mean the ESC and the motor started to smoke?
First thing you should do is to remove all red wires from the ESC signal connectors. If you want to use a servo now or later, you can leave one red wire connected. Each of your ESCs has an integrated BEC (to get 5V from the lipo voltage). If you leave all of them connected, they might work against each other and heat up.
This normally only affects the BEC circuit itself, not the complete ESC and the motor.
I guess the ESC might have been faulty from the start. If it fails and sends power through one motor coil constantly, the motor gets damaged, too
You mean the ESC and the motor started to smoke?
Yes I’ve uploaded video about this situation.
Please could you check it ?
First thing you should do is to remove all red wires from the ESC signal connectors.
There is one red wire and one black wire from esc to frame. Did you mean that red cable ?
I can only see the ESC smoking. Is the motor even connected?
Or was this a second time you connected power, just for the video?
Please be careful, if something starts to smoke, all connected components might get damaged. A short caused by the ESC might even cause a lipo fire.
I can only see the ESC smoking. Is the motor even connected?
In video no. Firstly motor get damaged then reconnected from esc.
After that I want to test other motors was ok then i released smoke on the esc.
A short caused by the ESC might even cause a lipo fire.
Yes you right. For send video to seller i reconnect it again.
I want to remove old esc from frame then replace it with new one.Should I replace from this red circle? Is it a good way to solder again? Can Frame be damaged with this way?
You can desolder the wires there, the frame should not be damaged.
Use a strong soldering iron (70W+), because the traces in the frame dissipate a lot of heat.
The ESC in the background has no shrinktube around the motor connectors. Never let the motor wires touch each other. Even the beeps during power up might damage the ESC, if the motor wires are shorted.
You can desolder the wires there, the frame should not be damaged.
I desolder it then replaced it new one.
This time esc calibration working correctly. All motor turned correctly.
Then when I want to arm motor with arm command via flysky fs-i6. There are no movements on the motor.
When I connect apm to pc for mission planner. Armed message can be shown after arm command. But when i plug it to the battery there is no movement on the motors.