I recently bought an APM 2.8 clone in China and had the problem that it couldn’t read my Frsky XM+ via PPM on port 1 - signal 2 and 3 closed - nothing soldered.
It’s ancient hardware, I know, I just wanted to have the same plane twice, the old one also has an APM Plane V. 3.3.
I then tried all sorts of things, flashed the 32U2 several times with Atmel FLIP to ArduPPM_v2.3.16_ATMega32U2 as suggested here, heated up the pins of the 32U2 with the rework station, etc.
Today I read the 32U2 buffer from the old APM and lo and behold, there was a version v2.3.17 on it.
ArduPPM_v2.3.17_ATMega32U2.zip (5.5 KB)
I saved this version, in the attachment, as a .hex and flashed it onto the clone, and now everything works fine with the PPM and the RX LED lights up too.
- RX – SLOW TOGGLE = Input signal OK
Very happy, maybe this will help someone who is also fiddling around with old hardware and uses China clones that don’t work.