APM 2.8 Accelerometer calibration not working

I have an Arducopter APM 2.8 board with firmware version 3.1.5 and Mission Planner 1.3.74 on a Windows 10 laptop. I’ve removed jumper JP1 and the jumper next to the inputs has been moved all the way to the left. When I connect the board, which is all by itself and levelled, and try to do Accel. Calibration, there is no response when I click “calibrate accel.” and when I click “calibrate level” after a 1 minute delay I get an error message “failed to level”


Hi, Did you got solution for this?
I have the same issue on APM 2.8

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you need an old version of mission planner.


Jump in the Wayback Machine and try one of these ancient versions.
MP old


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1972 might be a bit to far back…:wink:

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I had this problem until I installed version 1.3.74 of Mission Planner. Then everything worked great.

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I have the same problem