Yesterday the final pieces of my quad project arrived. I’m building the quad last night and as I’m planning how to power the APM 2.6 I discovered that I am missing J1.
My original plan was to run power from a BEC through the Output power rails with J1 installed so that it powered the entire board.
Worst comes to worst I will purchase the 3dr power module but I was hoping to get my long awaited project up and running instead of waiting on shipping.
My question is can I split the power and ground wires coming from the BEC into both the Output and Input PWM rails? This would effectively power both circuits as J1 is not connecting the two together.
Well looks like this is a one man conversation. For those researching this in the future the answer is yes it works.
Be careful to stay within the voltage boundaries, which can be found on the Wiki. 5.0 +/- .25, 5.5v max for the BEC connecting to the input rail. Definitely check jumper settings on the BEC as well. I came within seconds of frying my board before I realized mine was set up for 6v instead of 5v.
[quote=“Lagaffe”]I fried the 3.3V regulator when plugging USB and 5V output from receiver to the board.
Is it normal ?[/quote]
If you are powering by USB you shouldn’t input another 5V source at the same time it can be the cause of the regulator damage. if your receiver has it’s own power then you just can connect the signal and ground wires to the APM.