APM 2.6 flys good up, but coming down flips, Check Video


I have problem when flying my quad. APM 2.6, When i go up, it seems to be quite steady and works fine, when I try to decrease throttle however it flips on one side… when I pull throttle back again it corrects back to normal again quickly, but it’s impossible to come down. Is there something wrong with ESCs? (I have done calibration)

I noticed that I need to increase my throttle hover, since it’s way lower than middle when it hovers, and I decrease a little it flips, but can this be a reason. I will increase it for next flight, but before I fly I wanted to ask advice what might cause this.

Also telemetry file & log attached (no idea how to read it, but in case it helps)

Thanks for the help!

A dataflash log would be better.

I suggest setting THR_MID to get the the throttle stick centre as you menationed. My powerful 200mm quad flies a lot better than leaving it at default.

[quote=“RabbitStu”]A dataflash log would be better.

I suggest setting THR_MID to get the the throttle stick centre as you menationed. My powerful 200mm quad flies a lot better than leaving it at default.[/quote]

I tried to get Data flash log, but it goes crazy. Doyou have any idea why ? I press connect and it gives this… See attached pic. COM is right since it connects with it normally to it otherwise, expect here…

OK, I got that Log working. HEre’s link to the file dropbox.com/s/5buoae4p87y6t … .rlog?dl=0

[quote=“RabbitStu”]A dataflash log would be better.

I suggest setting THR_MID to get the the throttle stick centre as you menationed. My powerful 200mm quad flies a lot better than leaving it at default.[/quote]

copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/flying … ic-tuning/
What’s the difference with throttle hower setting and THR_MID ? Link above says to move it to the right when it’s below the middle.

But then this link: multi-rotor.co.uk/index.php?topic=1385.0
says in the end TIPS: A permanent solution is to modify the THR_MID parameter through the mission planner’s Adv Parameter List screen. If your copter hover at 40% of throttle stick when in stabilize mode, make THR_MID = 400. If it hovers at 60% of throttle make the parameter 600, etc.
So mine hovers al low percentage, so it suggests to lower this one?

However, what’s the difference of two? I move them now to opposite ways?


Now got the log working. I quess the throttle graph confirms the issue. I seem to have too powerful engine and too big props and need to make it more heavy. Since I built up the quad so that it can carry also SLR, it seems to be too light when running empty and turns off when the throttle goes under 120. So should I lower the min throttle and put some weight on it?

Back to previous guestion, what is the difference and which way I should adjust the Throttle MID and hover throttle?

Your drop box has an rlog, this isn;t a dataflash log, they are either .log or .bin.

The description you quoted is quite clear…those are two examples.

What is your throttle out when hovering?

Please note that thr_mid will need to be higher for your fully laden config, but to test I would set it to the unladen config to see if the problem goes away, then adjust it to default 500 (50%) then test fully laden, and then set to the correct value for that.

Yeah, sorry I learned it also afterwards that it was wrong one :confused:

However, It solved the big problem. I put little extra weight on the legs, since it seemed to be quite overpowered. Hover was at 350.
Now it wobbles quite a lot. But I guess auto-tune will solve that? If I autotune it with those weights and then change weight will it affect? or does it matter that much?

Thanks for the help! Now back in game again :slight_smile:


normally you autotune for the lightest config you will fly in.

I would be tempted to reduce the rate P a touch first to see if it is a tuning problem

That’s true. I was thinking of trying lowering those P’s before auto tune, since want to have that althold working as steady as possible. Read also that since i have bigger engine and props they should be lower.

I will let you know after next flight how it worked.