AP_Periph 1.0.0 stable released

thank you for your response… i will prepare a cable so i can use a second can node coz on my fc I’ve only one CAN port.

Good day, would you mind advice me pls for the correct firmware file for update the Kitcan Node by mro… there is also a param i can use to enable/disable the arm switch of the node in MP?
Waiting for a kind response

Hi Dave. There is currently no param to enable / disable the arm switch. It is an option that gets built into the firmware.

Here is a link to the latest mRo m10025 firmware. https://github.com/mRoboticsIO/Firmware/tree/master/M10025_KITCAN . Please let me know if you need any assistance.

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I’m working through some challenges getting a custom node to load with AP_Periph bootloader. I think I have all the steps in place including watchdog pat but appear to be getting an IWDG reset with an error code 15 in UAVCAN GUI.

I see that there are provisions for printf debugging messages (e.g. https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/Tools/AP_Bootloader/can.cpp#L578). Are these enabled by default in f103-GPS_bl or do they need a compile switch and rebuild? Also how to tell USARTn and pins?

Best Regards,

I’m still trying to get debug info from AP_Periph bootloader running on a F103 based platform.

I see printf() statements sprinked throughout the bootloader code example:

And it appears to be directed to SD1 (which I assume to be STM32 USART1?)

From auto-generated hwdef.h in the build folder USART1 TX/RX appears to be on PA9/PA10, but I’m not getting any output there.

I’m missing something, just not sure what or where to look. Any breadcumbs would be most welcomed.

Given error code 15 most likely the board is locking up. The way I would normally debug this sort of issue is to either use a debugger or use GPIO toggles.
Assuming you don’t have a debugger setup for this board then GPIO toggles are the way to go. These are the most reliable way to get a small amount of information out. The aim of the GPIO toggles is to narrow down where you are getting to in the startup code.
What you do is setup a GPIO output pin in hwdef.dat then use palToggleLine() to toggle the pin between high and low a distinctive number of times, watching with a logic analyser (eg. Saleae) to see what is happening.
This sort of GPIO toggle can be used very early in the startup, before serial ports are initialised.
For a fancy version of this which writes strings see this code:

you don’t really need anything so fancy for this debugging. You’re just trying to narrow down what section of setup() or loop() you are getting to.
It does assume you have a logic analyser though. If you don’t have one then get one, as it really is an essential tool for board bringup.
Also, post a link to your hwdef.dat in case there is something easy to spot in it.
Cheers, Tridge

Thanks for the guidance. I have a Segger J-Link debugger and Saleae logic probe available. I’ll give the GPIO toggle a try.

Best Regards,

Any hints on how to set up a rangefinder with the mRo CAN node? I have tried an LidarLitev3 on i2c and an SF11C on i2c and serial connection using the latest f303-Universal firmware. I don’t see any rangefinder messages when inspecting the bus using the UAVCAN GUI tool. I’ve set the AP_Periph parameters RNGFND1_* parameters and verified they work correctly with either device directly connected to Cube Orange.

In the case of serial connection I’m connecting to the GPS port on the mRo node and I’ve also tried setting GPS_TYPE to 0. I have no problems with an i2c airspeed sensor over via the same CAN node.

Good day, on MP just set 24 as rangefinder type…

Hi David, thanks for the reply, still not working for me. I’m not seeing rangefinder measurement UAVCAN messages in UAVCAN GUI tool, making me think the issue is on the CAN node side.

AP_Periph parameters:

0	FORMAT_VERSION	integer	2			
1	CAN_NODE	integer	0			
2	CAN_BAUDRATE	integer	1000000			
3	FLASH_BOOTLOADER	integer	0			
4	GPS_TYPE	integer	0			
5	GPS_NAVFILTER	integer	8			
6	GPS_MIN_DGPS	integer	100			
7	GPS_SBAS_MODE	integer	2			
8	GPS_MIN_ELEV	integer	-100			
9	GPS_INJECT_TO	integer	127			
10	GPS_SBP_LOGMASK	integer	-256			
11	GPS_RAW_DATA	integer	0			
12	GPS_GNSS_MODE	integer	0			
13	GPS_SAVE_CFG	integer	2			
14	GPS_AUTO_CONFIG	integer	1			
15	GPS_RATE_MS	integer	200			
16	GPS_POS1_X	real	0.0			
17	GPS_POS1_Y	real	0.0			
18	GPS_POS1_Z	real	0.0			
19	GPS_DELAY_MS	integer	0			
20	COMPASS_OFS_X	real	0.0			
21	COMPASS_OFS_Y	real	0.0			
22	COMPASS_OFS_Z	real	0.0			
23	COMPASS_DEC	real	0.0			
24	COMPASS_LEARN	integer	0			
25	COMPASS_USE	integer	1			
26	COMPASS_AUTODEC	integer	1			
27	COMPASS_MOTCT	integer	0			
28	COMPASS_MOT_X	real	0.0			
29	COMPASS_MOT_Y	real	0.0			
30	COMPASS_MOT_Z	real	0.0			
31	COMPASS_ORIENT	integer	0			
32	COMPASS_EXTERNAL	integer	0			
33	COMPASS_DEV_ID	integer	0			
34	COMPASS_DIA_X	real	0.0			
35	COMPASS_DIA_Y	real	0.0			
36	COMPASS_DIA_Z	real	0.0			
37	COMPASS_ODI_X	real	0.0			
38	COMPASS_ODI_Y	real	0.0			
39	COMPASS_ODI_Z	real	0.0			
40	COMPASS_CAL_FIT	real	16.0			
41	COMPASS_OFFS_MAX	integer	1800			
42	COMPASS_TYPEMASK	integer	0			
43	COMPASS_FLTR_RNG	integer	0			
44	COMPASS_AUTO_ROT	integer	2			
45	COMPASS_PRIO1_ID	integer	0			
46	COMPASS_ENABLE	integer	1			
47	COMPASS_SCALE	real	0.0			
48	COMPASS_OPTIONS	integer	0			
49	BARO_ABS_PRESS	real	0.0			
50	BARO_TEMP	real	0.0			
51	BARO_ALT_OFFSET	real	0.0			
52	BARO_PRIMARY	integer	0			
53	BARO_EXT_BUS	integer	-1			
54	BARO_ABS_PRESS2	real	0.0			
55	BARO_ABS_PRESS3	real	0.0			
56	BARO_FLTR_RNG	integer	0			
57	BARO_PROBE_EXT	integer	0			
58	BARO_ENABLE	integer	1			
59	LED_BRIGHTNESS	integer	100			
60	ARSP_TYPE	integer	1			
61	ARSP_TUBE_ORDER	integer	2			
62	ARSP_PSI_RANGE	real	1.0			
63	RNGFND_BAUDRATE	integer	115200			
64	RNGFND1_TYPE	integer	8			
65	RNGFND1_PIN	integer	-1			
66	RNGFND1_SCALING	real	1.0			
67	RNGFND1_OFFSET	real	0.0			
68	RNGFND1_FUNCTION	integer	0			
69	RNGFND1_MIN_CM	integer	20			
70	RNGFND1_MAX_CM	integer	12000			
71	RNGFND1_STOP_PIN	integer	-1			
72	RNGFND1_RMETRIC	integer	1			
73	RNGFND1_PWRRNG	integer	0			
74	RNGFND1_GNDCLEAR	integer	10			
75	RNGFND1_ADDR	integer	102			
76	RNGFND1_POS_X	real	0.0			
77	RNGFND1_POS_Y	real	0.0			
78	RNGFND1_POS_Z	real	0.0			
79	RNGFND1_ORIENT	integer	25			
80	ADSB_BAUDRATE	integer	0			'

UAVCAN traffic:


which rangefinder are you using?

The above is SF11/C. I’ve also tried LidarLite v3. Both work fine attached directly to Cube.

Are you guys running on the F103 or F303 node?

Hi Phillip, this is the F303, the sikscreen says “mRo CAN node v1”.

Great, are the range finders that are not working all connected via I2C?

I’ve tried the LidarLite v3 on i2c and the SF11/C on both i2c and serial - with the appropriate changes to RNGFND1_TYPE on the CAN node.

I’ll look into this and get back to you. Typically we need to tell APPeriph to look for I2C devices like this:

and support all external compass and baro types


I need to see if that is required for Range Finders, Give me an hour or 2 to get to a computer.

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Thanks, appreciate it.

Samuel, I don’t see anything obviously wrong but I will bring it up with Tridge.

Matt, I’ll email you a binary to test for ERB support.

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Thanks Philip. If it helps I’m sure I could loan you a rangefinder to test with.