AP_Periph 1.0.0 stable released

Hi @geofrancis ,

Took a closer look at the parameters at the stock fw of my Matek M8Q-CAN. It runs on “f303-MAtekGPS”.
All the “RNGFNDxxx” parameters are available. It should be able to support your rangefinder out of the box.

Let us know how it works.

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The H743’s don’t have the uart limit.
FYI ardupilot/hwdef.dat at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub

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It’s in the firmware, just needs some parameters set.

@tridge I am trying to get f303-PWM to work on a MRO Cannode but cannot get any output from it. Is there a trick to making this work? ive tried changing the functions, but im not getting any pwm through the pads PA2,PA3, PB14 or PB15

did you solve your issue i updated to 1.3-dev and appear to have the same issue.

does it support NCP5623D also?