Aocoda RC H743 Dual, affordable FC

Looking for affordable H743 FC, came to know Aocoda RC H743 Dual. It has 2 variants, dual BMI270 or single MPU6000, both priced ~$46 shipped. Unfortunately no external SD but 128MB (now 1GB?) blackbox, price is very affordable, looked nicely built. They also have a nice PDB to stack so I got to load on a plane.

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At the time of my purchase, AP firmware was not merged to master yet. The seller (= designer of this FC), shared his branch and I was able to build plane ok. Now this board is supported as Aocoda-RC-H743Dual.

He has several ESC for copter stack but this PDB is perfect for plane to wire PWM pins. SH 1.0 wire harneses come with FC and PDB. Needed to change orders but no soldering was required.

PDB hole is a bit small, better to use thin pin headers.
Soldered RX, S Port and GPS. Power connector to the center. ESC power line was soldered to one of output.

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Crammed into inside of plane, flew ok. I burned aerobatics Lua into firmware, worked ok, second test plane is ready.

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