Anyway to increase the frequency of the data being sent?

Hello all,
I have been trying to get my iris plus to run with ROS and I was successful in getting data on my computer. I however noticed that I am getting data aapproximately 2 Hertz i.e., 2 readings per second. Is there any way I can increase this value? Thabks

I noticed that in the radio setup that there’s a setting for “Low Latency” and that it sends every 33ms rather than the default “Mavlink” which sends every 131ms.

Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for or not though and I’m not sure how that will affect your range.


Thanks Mike. I shall give it a try. :smiley:

Mike the low latency parameter just bumped it to 3 hertz now, not a substantial increase though. Any other ways to do it?